Straws and Camel's Backs.
Posted by Bree 2 comments
I think most of us have good intentions. We want to lose weight, eat healthy, connect with God, and serve others. But the truth is, we don't DO it. Why? Because there is a black hole between our intentions and our lives.
I think one of the greatest dangers in life is distraction. I know I fall prey to its bait all the time. Life is full of things to do and people to text and sometimes I just forget why I'm here and what I'm doing.
The past few weeks, I've been doing a little experiment. Instead of spending time reading my Bible and journaling when I'm fully awake, in the mood, have my tasks done, and have finished my yoga-- I'm just doing it. First thing. It's sloppy and short and sometimes not fully coherent. But I'm doing it FIRST. (Most days I try not even to look at my phone before reading and journaling, although sometimes I just can't help myself!) And you know what? It's been awesome.
I guess for me, FIRST means first thing in the morning. For you, FIRST might mean first thing after work or FIRST thing after getting your kids to sleep. It certainly doesn't have to be in the morning. Since I don't work, that just happens to be my own personal 'FIRST.'
Just a thought to share today...
Posted by Bree 6 comments