The other day, I seriously felt like an emotional wreck. I was impatient, snippy, sarcastic, and cranky. And for the life of me, I could not figure out why. I knew I was tired and, of course, sick, but that is not different from any other day. What was different?
It was not until a few days later that I realized I had been going out 1-3 times every day for the entire week, whether it was to run an errand, see a friend for coffee, hang out with my boyfriend, etc. This may not sound like a lot, but for my body and my health that is WAY,WAY too much to do in a week. (To give you a point of reference, when I was sick last fall, I only went out for about 20 minutes every couple of days…) While I am no longer completely housebound, I have seriously limited energy and have to really watch how much I am out and for how long. The last thing I want to do is to hold back my recovery by putting unnecessary stress on my body.
I have a friend who is always texting me a phrase that has been very helpful to me as I’ve been recovering. It is: “Save 10%.” By this, she means save 10% of your energy, your strength, and your sanity. Don’t let your tank go empty. It’s like how in the Old Testament, God asked his people to give him the first tenth or “tithe” of all their crops and any sort of income they made in the year. This was an act of obedience that showed commitment and trust in God and his provision and, in turn, he blessed them for their obedience. Similarly, I think it is wise to save a “tithe” of my energy. I have found this is really good way to live. When I do this, it makes feel slightly more sane and definitely less cranky.
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